Sunday, December 4, 2011

Opportunity for Charity

Hello! Hope everyone's semesters are ending well!

If you are like me and you still have some Knight Bucks left, but you don't want to waste them, then I'd love to encourage you to donate them to the Cathedral Pantry/Kitchen downtown. It is really easy to donate, and the donations will provide a lot of food and product for the Cathedral pantry to help them provide for the economically underpriveledged during the cold, winter months. The Cathedral Kitchen has at least one free meal every day of the year and our donations will help them to continue doing their amazing work! Even if you only have $5 left it can still make a lasting impact when combined with other donations. If 40 people gave $5 in Knight Bucks, that would be an amazing $200 in food/product!

If you are interested in donating, please just email me, Jeff Stegbauer, your name at by MONDAY, the 12TH of DECEMBER.

Then, I will forward your name onto Shannon Smith, who will then drain your account (**If you do not want your account drained entirely please include the specific ammount you want to donate in your email**) at the end of the semester and use the collected money to go out and purchase goods to bring down to the Cathedral Pantry. So, to ensure that your Knight Bucks don't go to waste, all you have to do is email me your name!

Thanks and God Bless! My prayers are with all of you as you study for your finals and write all those papers!

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