
At Marian University, students don’t just talk about community service. We take active roles. Throughout the school year, we sacrifice a few hours on Friday evenings, venturing into the heart of Indianapolis in search of ways to live out the Christian call to loving our neighbor. 

That’s why we’re called “STARR”: Students Taking Active Reflective Roles.

This blog is devoted to the first “R” of STARR: “Reflection”. Here, experiences and thoughts on social justice from the Catholic perspective will be shared. We hope to live as Jesus called us to live , loving God and our neighbors as ourselves. Join us by reading, commenting, and maybe even beginning your own journey in taking action.

Live the Gospel. Reflect on experience & Church teaching. Build the Kingdom.

Welcome to our growing community…

Here are some great organizations with whom we are connected:

Questions? Ideas? Feedback? 
Feel free to contact us by email.