Miracle Place
September 7, 2012
volunteers branched out to several different sites all over
Indianapolis. Photo coverage this week is from Miracle Place on the
west side.
place is a great place to serve the youth of our city. An after school
program for Pre-K through Middle School students, it provides structure
and teaches christian values that offer guidance to kids.
greatest fruit of service for me is the relationships that come of it.
The beauty of God's creation is most evident in the people I meet in
service. Seeing the joy in the faces of the children at miracle place
makes me think about the immensity and greatness of God. However joyful,
graceful, and loving the people that we meet are, it is nothing
compared to the joy, grace, and incomprehensible love of our God.
This is why I serve.
Photos and reflection by Caleb Ringwald
Indy Urban acres is a volunteer-run organization. College-age students give their time and resources to ensure the greater success of the farm. One volunteer Led a short tour and thanked the S.T.A.R.R group for their service.
Young spinach can difficult to distinguish from certain grassy weeds. After a quick lesson on how to tell the difference, students were turned loose to eradicate the unwelcome greenery.
Sophomore Declan McNicholas works alongside fellow students. Although a Seminarian at Bishop Simon Bruté College Seminary, Declan attends S.T.A.R.R. regularly.
The farm itself is eight acres of land located on the city's east side,
east of Shadeland Avenue, between I-70 and 21st Street and yields crops
of fruits and vegetables for low-income Hoosiers in the Indianapolis
area. Indy Urban acres works side-by-side with Gleaner's Food Bank, a
local organization with similar goals.S.T.A.R.R. service always incorporates fun. Emma Laut and Sarah Brown, Sophomores, pose for a photo with the campus minister at Marian University, Jeanne Hidalgo... and their freshly picked tomatoes.
The group rallies for a closing prayer around S.T.A.R.R. coordinator Keith Dewig. After working together in the sun, water was passed around before breaking up and heading back to Marian University.