In case anyone was wondering, STARR features a double 'r'. No, its not there for cutesy reasons, nor are we really bad at spelling. When STARR was founded, it was originally STAR (Students Taking Active Roles), with the singular 'r'. However, changes in the program led to the addition of another 'r', becoming STARR (Students Taking Active Reflective Roles). So why the change? What role does reflection play in our ultimate mission of Christian service?
I look to our culture for that answer. From my experience and understanding of human nature, I'd say its a fair guess to assume many, if not most of the populus goes through life with little to no introspection, examination, or reflection. Many of us, myself included, go mindlessly through the same processes day in and day out without really stopping to examine it. We don't reflect, so we fail to understand, and when we fail to understand, we fail to be moved, to be passionate; in many ways, we find ourselves failing to love. It is only upon reflection, facilitated in examination, meditation, contemplation, and certainly prayer, that we grow in our understanding of the world around us and the God who created it. Understanding prompts passion, empathy, and concern; we open ourselves up to love and be loved. It really is a fascinating process.
Its when we break from the norm and reflect that we invest our full efforts in our service. We can throw our time, money, and abilities at the social problems of our world until the cows come home, but we'll never really resolve them. We must reflect and discover the roots of injustice and fight them at the source.
A very special thanks to those who helped clear trails at the Velodrome last Friday! We had multiple cyclists mention how well we'd done and how much they appreciated it. Well done STARR!
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