As I went to my closet this morning, I couldn't choose which shirt: a green-striped or a blue-striped with a white collar. I know... real life problems, right? Now, while my moment of indecision was just a moment, it was enough time to for me to notice what I was doing. Sorting through my closet, I wondered that if I was wasting time trying to decide on a shirt for the day, what was I not spending time on that was more important than dressing myself?
For weeks now, many of us have been attending every STARR. Glory to God! There is no way to know the impact of our service - and it shouldn't matter if we knew it. Loving our neighbor is good. We should keep living that way.
And, we should try to love even more fully.
To rectify my clothing-decision problem, I'm going to get rid of some of my clothes. Less clothes = less time wasted on what to wear and more on doing good things for God while wearing it.
This Friday, a group of Marian students will go to Holy Family Shelter, a place for families in need of a home. They accept donations of clothing and can always use more. Choosing what to wear... real life problems, right? This week, I will be bringing my "problems" with me to STARR on Friday at 3:00pm. Serving doesn't just consist in us helping another, but often helps us more than we understand. Consider bringing some of your excess clothing, your "problems", your own needs for conversion with you.
"Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." ~Mt 19:24
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For weeks now, many of us have been attending every STARR. Glory to God! There is no way to know the impact of our service - and it shouldn't matter if we knew it. Loving our neighbor is good. We should keep living that way.
And, we should try to love even more fully.
To rectify my clothing-decision problem, I'm going to get rid of some of my clothes. Less clothes = less time wasted on what to wear and more on doing good things for God while wearing it.
This Friday, a group of Marian students will go to Holy Family Shelter, a place for families in need of a home. They accept donations of clothing and can always use more. Choosing what to wear... real life problems, right? This week, I will be bringing my "problems" with me to STARR on Friday at 3:00pm. Serving doesn't just consist in us helping another, but often helps us more than we understand. Consider bringing some of your excess clothing, your "problems", your own needs for conversion with you.
"Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." ~Mt 19:24
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